More tales of Michael the spurred

Michael and the Siren

“I’m really fed up with making plain bread and chocolate muffins!” said Michael the spurred one morning while he was kneading dough for that days baking. The cat, who’s name was Princes, stopped licking her honey-gold paw for a moment and fixed her green-eyed gaze on Michael, as cats do when their servant is being somewhat ridiculous.
“You know what, I’d like to go on a quest to find the perfect olive!” The Dragon opened one eye, burped a small purple flame and went back to sleep. (he was getting very fat on all those muffins and hardly ever stirred from his spot under the tree.)
“I bet I could do wonderful bread with the right olives” said Michael, but no one paid him any heed. (while all this jolly domestic stuff was going on serious things were happening at sea)

Far south in the warm waters of the Mediterranean a Siren with long blonde hair clad in a short green mini-dress (lets not be silly, it was seaweed!) was sitting on the slick back of giant racing-green turtle. The Siren looked cool but pleased with herself, as well she should for she was favoured with fabulously full breasts, a narrow waist and the longest tail in the Kingdom. (True, she was not perfect as her fins were a little too large, but we will not dwell on that!)

More of my stories at,

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About mikeinkwazi

I am in my seventies and live in the west coast of Scotland, with the sea at the bottom of my garden. I have been variously, a sculptor an art teacher, designer, inventor, organic grower and last but never least, a blue water sailor. By the way, I have been telling stories and writing nonsense all my life!

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